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Created By Adalin Design

Bearly Gram Editable Valentine Candy Gram Template

$3.00 USD $6.00 50% Off
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Valentine Candy Gram template are a great way to give others a fun activity.

Simply print out the number of candy gram cards you would like and have the child or parent fill out To, From, Teacher, and Grade to make handout of the cards and treats easy. After printing, cut out each card and you can hole punch and attach the card to a treat of your choosing. Fun for everyone!

Editable in Canva : Can edit text, use my font, export to PNG, PDF

**Save to PDF for print for best printing quality

**Save to PNG file for best digital sending quality

2 Pages : Print on letter paper 8.5 x 11 inch.


✔︎ 1 pdf file for Canva link instruction.

• Canva Interactive website

- Free Account access

- Can edit text using my fonts in templates.

- Can change your font

- Can change color of text and picture

- Can add picture into frame and crop immediatly

- Can add remove pages

- Can export file to JPG, PNG and PDF


Please feel free to message me with any questions, I'm always happy to help!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

NOT share, sell, alter or replicate these files. 

Colors on your screen may vary. This is due to the fact that every computer monitor, laptop, tablet and phone screen has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently.

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Product Information

  • Release Date:
    20th January '25
  • Updated Date:
    20th January '25
  • Created By:
    Designer & AI
  • Product Tags:
    Valentine Candy Gram School Candy Gram School Fundraiser Valentine Acticity School Kid Activity Valentine For Teacher Valentine Game Valentine For Kid Valentine For Student Valentine School Activity
  • File Types Included:
  • Product Groups:
    Report listing for infringement

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Bearly Gram Editable Valentine Candy Gram Template

By Adalin Design

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