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OTF, png, svg, 300dpi
Artsy Alphabet Tracing
Introducing our new product Alphabet Tracing Font. This font will assists kindergarten students in printing the letters of the English alphabet correctly and efficiently. Best for Teachers, Parents and homeschooling moms Make their own magnificent worksheets, etc. It provides lines containing dotted letters for students to trace with the starting position and stroke directions illustrated for each letter, number, and punctuation mark.
You will get:
- 1 Installable OTF file
- Special characters. ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜàáâãäåæèéêëìíîñòóõöøùúûü
- Symbols !,”#$%&’()*+,-.=?@÷
- Upper case PNG letters A-Z
- Lower case PNG letters a-z
- PNG Numbers 0-9
- PNG Variations to lower case letters "a", "q", "t", "y"
- PNG variations to upper case "A", "G", "H", "J", "K", "M", "N", "Q", "U", "W", "Y"
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