The 72 Names of God Spain language, Clouds BG, Black Kabbalah Symbols Frame – for healers, meditators. Kabbalah poster JPG, PDF
The 72 Names of God is a powerful spiritual tool used by healers and meditators alike. This black Kabbalah symbols frame poster in JPG and PDF format is the perfect addition to any spiritual space. Use it to enhance your meditation practice or as a decorative piece to inspire and uplift you on your spiritual journey. Order now and experience the transformative power of the 72 Names of God.
This is a print/cut file compatible with Cricut and Silhouette cutting machines. With these files, you can create various items. In zip-file, you receive JPG, PDF files (CMYK, 300DPI, 28inch x 36inch A3 format).
The Angels of the Shemhamphorash
When the permutation method of Temurah is applied to three consecutive verses in the Book of Exodus Chapter 14 (verses 19, 20,
21) and using a technique known as Boustaphedron 72 triads of characters emerge. Combined, the 72 triads form the 216 letter name of God. Each triad of letters individually forms the name of an Angel.
The 72 Angelic Names are collectively referred to as the Shemhamphorash (“Divided Name”) and each Angel is individually referred to as an Angel of the Shemhamphorash.
All 72 gods are written in the Hebrew language. And under each god’s name is a description of this god (in English).
This is a print file. With these files, you can create various items.
In zip-file, you receive JPG, PDF files (CMYK, 300DPI, 28inch x 36inch A3 format).
Los 72 Nombres de Dios en idioma español, marco negro de símbolos de la Cabalá, para sanadores y meditadores. Póster de Cabalá JPG, PDF
Los 72 Nombres de Dios es una poderosa herramienta espiritual utilizada tanto por sanadores como por meditadores. Este póster con marco de símbolos de la Cábala negro en formato JPG y PDF es el complemento perfecto para cualquier espacio espiritual. Utilízalo para mejorar tu práctica de meditación o como pieza decorativa para inspirarte y elevarte en tu viaje espiritual. Ordene ahora y experimente el poder transformador de los 72 Nombres de Dios.
Este es un archivo de impresión/corte compatible con las máquinas de corte Cricut y Silhouette. Con estos archivos, puede crear varios elementos. En un archivo zip, recibe archivos JPG y PDF (CMYK, 300 ppp, formato A3 de 28 x 36 pulgadas).