This is popular quotes "
Boyfriend Fiance Husband" and
"Girlfriend Fiancee Wife"This clip art created as cut files in format SVG, Dxf, Eps, Png, and you can use them to print on T-shirts, handbags, mugs, decals, and create various compositions for printing.
These files also are perfect for home decor, wood signs, vinyl decals, paper crafts, embroidery template making, screen printing, and many other crafts.
2 zip file which contains files in formats:
2 SVG (vector file, unlimited resizing without loss of quality, black, the color may change)
2 DXF (vector file, unlimited resizing without loss of quality, black, the color may change)
2 EPS (vector file, unlimited resizing without loss of quality, black, the color may change)
2 PNG (raster file, size 12 inches on the less side and 300 dots per inch, transparent background, black, the color may change)
2 JPG (raster file, size A4 and 300 dots per inch)