This set features the typical characters of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" - a white rabbit, a Cheshire cat, a flamingo and Alice. The set contains all the characteristic elements - hats, glass bottles, cupcake, armchair, roses, cards, gold keys, pocket watch. Vintage frames, hand-written lettering complement each other perfectly, allow you to create your own project.
Can be used as cosmetics packaging designs, social media templates, educational baby cards, printable images, scrapbooking, etc.
- 3 characters of Alice, PNG on transparent background
- 2 white rabbits, PNG on transparent background
- 1 Cheshire cat, PNG on transparent background
- 2 flamingos, PNG on transparent background
- 10 glass bottles, PNG format
- 6 pocket watches, PNG format
- 32 elements (hat, keys, mushrooms, etc.)
- 38 elements of flowers and leaves
- 2 watercolor backgrounds
- 10 watercolor spots
- 8 bouquets of roses, PNG format
- 14 inscriptions PNG format
- 3 PNG files of patterns 2000 * 2000 pixels
- 5 templates with color background 2000 * 2000 pixels in JPEG format
- 7 cups in stacks, PNG format
- 5 teapots, PNG format
- 5 vintage frames, PNG format
All elements are drawn by hand, processed into separate files with a transparent background.
Thanks for your choice!