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Notebook SVG
The Notebook SVG is designed to be engraved and cut as a notebook or journal cover. It is already sized and designed for a 2:1 pitch binding machine. Laser-ready file, ready for use on your Glowforge or other laser cutting machine.
This listing is for a DIGITAL FILE only. No physical item will be shipped.
File types included with this listing:
Files are compatible with:
Silhouette Studio Software, Cricut Design Space, Glowforge or other programs that can read .dxf, .eps, .svg, and .png file types.
Words within the file are NOT editable.
Files are downloadable once your payment has been processed, and are contained in a ZIP folder that will need to be unzipped/extracted.
PLEASE use the design files as designed. Any alterations or reformatting may alter the quality of the design.
Introducing Design School – our jam packed platform with its own mini search engine! Design School was made to help you learn all there is to know about fonts, graphics, templates, designs, file types, different software programs, Frequently Asked Questions and much much more.
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