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Just imagine you can create beautiful stylish design in just few minutes. "Origami Love Collection" was inspired by the amazing Japanese art.
"Origami Love Collection" is a huge set of patterns and elements that include fully customisable vectors, beautiful colors and realistic designs. This collections is divided in 4 folders that will improve your workflow and make editing easier. "Origami Love Collection" is perfect used in DIY projects, invitations, greeting cards, posters, blogs, logos and a lot more and it's now available at a discounted price.
The set includes professional, high quality illustrations saved in eps, ai, svg, png and jpeg formats. With more than 140 elements and patterns this Origami bundle is ready to add some color and style to any design project.
With all the DIY elements included, you can design tons of amazing work in minutes!
The items included are:
108 vector elements divided in 3 folders - colors, full and outlined
30 digital patterns
Software requirements:
Each element in this collection has been carefully created and adjusted to produce professional and amazing results.
Introducing Design School – our jam packed platform with its own mini search engine! Design School was made to help you learn all there is to know about fonts, graphics, templates, designs, file types, different software programs, Frequently Asked Questions and much much more.
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