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Learning at home? Or maybe you're a teacher that needs some quick reading practice activities for small groups or learning centers. This Long U Activity Pack is FILLED with activities to help your emergent readers with spelling and reading practice. This pack focuses on long U/CVCe words (consonant-vowel-consonant with silent e at the end) and is a great way to get your learners autonomous with letter-sound relationships.
Included are the following activities:
• Seek & Find (1 game)
• Word Hunt (1 game)
• Crossword Puzzle (3 different games)
• Picture Search (2 different games)
Each game focuses on the long u/silent e ending spelling pattern. Teach your students the games once and they'll be able to independently complete the games in this packet!
Introducing Design School – our jam packed platform with its own mini search engine! Design School was made to help you learn all there is to know about fonts, graphics, templates, designs, file types, different software programs, Frequently Asked Questions and much much more.
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