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Norwegian symbols pattern bundle. Gift for Norway lovers with national symbols: salmon, cod, alpine skiing, moose, fjords, mountains, bunad, hammer of thor, brunust, klipfisk, lutefisk, nisse, gnome, troll, sleigh, snow, menorah, stubby.
Text print with Norwegian words: hei, ha det bra, slapp av, jeg koser meg, vær så god, stå på, det ordner seg.
Seamless pattern BUNDLE SVG EPS PNG for cutting and printing purposes. Norway symbols digital paper.
ZIP file includes:6 SVG files, 15 PNG files 12 x 12 inch, 300 dpi 1 EPS with all designs file easyly to resize and customize colours without loss of quality.
Use " DBnationalpatterns " in the search bar to find more national patterns
To find more patterns in the same style use " DBpatternART " in the search bar
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Poland, polish national pattern polska national symbols https://designbundles.net/plusstore/1416797-poland-national-pattern
English national symbols. England pattern svg digital paper https://designbundles.net/plusstore/1401639-english-national-symbols-england-pattern-svg-digit#gtmList=5>mPos=1&aaQ=6dd6dceb97c9c0fe324955949362c55c&aaI=product_trending
Deutsche national pattern bundle: digital paper, background https://designbundles.net/plusstore/1388314-deutsch-national-pattern-bundle-digital-paper-back#gtmList=5>mPos=1&aaQ=890c9fbb9a9a690401f3987c55038cb2&aaI=product_trending
Italian national pattern bundle: digital paper, background https://designbundles.net/plusstore/1376022-italian-national-pattern-bundle-digital-paper-back#gtmList=5>mPos=1&aaQ=ecdc94b0430432520002ee917a5b0f42&aaI=product_trending
Mexican national pattern bundle: background, digital paper https://designbundles.net/plusstore/1376020-mexican-national-pattern-bundle-background-digital#gtmList=5>mPos=1&aaQ=0dae2c1765f922997f369ac44176b289&aaI=product_trending
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