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Christmas Ornaments Outline Neon
This is a digital product. Here’s a simple step to make diy neon sign at your home.
1. Print out the design to your chosen board, you can use an acrylic.
2. Figure out where you will need to drill holes for EL wire. The obvious ones, are at the beginning and end of every line/scratch. Drill a hole big enough for your EL wire to fit through everywhere you marked.
3. Pull all of your EL wire through the first hole from back to front. You can secure it with a little piece of gaff tape to keep it in place.
4. Now just trace the design with the EL wire, bending it over itself at the curves and securing them with a couple drops of super glue gel.
5. When you get to the end of the design, drop the EL wire through to the back.
6. Plug in the battery pack and tape it to the pack of the sign.
Your downloaded ZIP file will include these following formats:
• Adobe Illustrator 750x500
• Eps6 750x500
• Jpeg 3000x2000
• PNG 2804x2804
• SVG File Included
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