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Understanding how words work within the alphabet is a great skill for children to learn. We put things in ABC order in real life: at the library, voting facilities, seating arrangements, etc.
On one side of the worksheet, you will find groups of 4, 5, & 6 words that have different beginning letters. The children simply put the number of where it fits in order with the others in the same box. After they finish, they can write what category the words in that box below to. The first one has been completed for them to show them what to do.
On the other side of the worksheet, there are groups of 4, 5, & 6 words that have the same and different beginning letters. Sometimes, the children will have to go to the third letter and beyond to figure out the order. After they finish, they can write what category the words in that box below to. The first one has been completed for them to show them what to do.
Answer guides have been included for easy grading.
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