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Spring Themed Math Logic Squares • EDITABLE!
Whew! These logic puzzles REALLY make you think! Included are 5 puzzles. Each puzzle has 4 rows and 4 columns. Each row and column has 4 symbols that represent a number. The sum of each row and column is provided. To solve the puzzle, you will need to figure out the value of each symbol. The example puzzles that are included are challenging enough, but if you need a greater (or lesser) challenge, this product is EDITABLE, so you can create your own!
You can also add in clues to the solutions if your students need help. (For example, you can provide the value of one of the symbols to make it a little less challenging. The example puzzles provided allow for 2-digit addition (and one with single-digit addition). But you are welcome to change the solutions so that the math problems included single-digit addition for younger grades, or even triple-digit addition for older grades.
This product is offered as a high-resolution, ready to print PDF.
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