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If you're crafting something special for dad, you're going to need these printable stickers. They match perfectly with our Father's Day exploding box card and coordinating papers. These stickers will complement cards wonderfully. A little variety of some of dad's favorite things like a motorcycle, cash, a mustache, beer, tools, a tie, brief case and a wallet. I've added a bunch of screws, nuts, bolts and nails to embellish your designs with a manly touch.
In this download, you will receive one easy to print sticker sheet on an 8x11 inch sheet as well as a page in png format. The stickers with a nice thick white outline have also been provided individually for ease of use when scrapbooking digitally or designing your finished project digitally. Use semi gloss or glossy sticker paper for the sharpest result and always check your printer settings.
Look for more awesome scrapbooking items and printables in Plus.
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