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Yes crafters, that's right! This is the third set of stickers for the School Collection in Plus. They are super eek-a-licious! Such fun, bright colors and I've downsized my ellies to fit sweetly on them. I've used a bit of a bevel on some of the elements and as usual, I've added shadows for extra dimension and contrast. If you are loving these fun designs from our amazing designers in Plus, then be sure to check out the many other coordinating packs in the School Collection in Plus.
In this download, you will receive on jpg and one png sheet. The pages are 8x11 inches. There is a white outline provided for a super cool sticker effect.
Be sure to check those printer settings before printing. Using sticker paper will give a really amazing result to these designs.
Think of other uses for these stickers. You could print, laminate and use them as tokens. You could turn them into keychains, pins, tags and other decorations. You could even make a tiny mini scrapbook by adding little circle shaped pictures to the back. That would be so darn cute!
Have a blast scrapbooking and crafting with Plus!
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