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We want to make scrapbooking and crafting as easy and as beautiful as possible for you. We know how much you love floral designs and we've teamed up some pretty flowers with some creepy and magical Halloween elements. Creepy crawlers, keys, spider webs, spiders, thistle, roses and vibrant foliage have been pieced together with dramatic shadows. Scrapbook like a pro!
In this download, you will receive 4 layered, shadowed clusters in jpg and png format. The bottom layer doesn't have a shadow. Only on the preview.
These clusters coordinate magically with the rest of the Wizard World Collection. Use the clusters for cards, scrapbook layouts, tags, invitations and more.
Scrap happy with Plus!
Introducing Design School – our jam packed platform with its own mini search engine! Design School was made to help you learn all there is to know about fonts, graphics, templates, designs, file types, different software programs, Frequently Asked Questions and much much more.
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