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Don'cha just love when all ya have to do is grab your picture, slide it behind the professionally scrapbooked page layout, size to perfection and BOOM! You've scrapped? I love that! Anything to save me time and give my precious memories a nice home. Hehehe... I love this sassy saying, "Cheers, Witches!" I've decked the page out with our goodies from the Wizard World Collection. That collection goes so well with Halloween. You'll be able to use this page or the nifty design I've also included, for a card, invitation, tag, or...
The theme is great for wizard themes, Halloween, magic, fall...You decide!
In this download, you will receive the 12x12 design in jpg format as well as a 12x12 inch png with the blank spot.
Check out how we scrapped it up in our little gallery. If you've never used a quick page before, I've got a video on how to use it with our software, Design Scape.
Scrap happy with Plus!
Introducing Design School – our jam packed platform with its own mini search engine! Design School was made to help you learn all there is to know about fonts, graphics, templates, designs, file types, different software programs, Frequently Asked Questions and much much more.
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