UnDated Digital Planner- hyperlinked Digital Planner- Monday Start.
Portrait Digital Undated Planner, Digital hyperlinked planner, iPad planner, Daily Weekly inserts- Plus Paper Options
What is included:
Simple UnDated Portrait Digital Planner
Navigation runs along the Right side of the screen, so everything is easily accessible.
Year View-all months and weeklies are hyperlinked on the year calendar.
12 Month Spreads All hyperlinked down the Right side of the planner.
Hyperlinked Weekly Pages
Daily Page insert
6 Subject Notebooks
This Notebook is located at the Top of the Page, and the Index for the Notebook is under the 'O' tab (Index).
Other included pages:
Grocery List
To Do List
Dot Paper
Grid Paper
Blank Paper
Ruled Paper
Meal Plan
Finance Page
Key Dates Page- Located under the Star icon, that is on the yearly page.
Portrait orientation, and shows one page at a time. I designed this planner to use the Maximum amount of screen. The buttons are thin, and on the side of the planner.
To Copy and Paste More Pages:
1. click the 4 square icon on the left of the top menu bar in Goodnotes, and hit "Edit" .
2. Tap the Page Thumbnail that you want to add, and at the bottom of the menu, tap "COPY" and then hit "DONE".
3. Next tap the "+" at the top left of the pop up menu, and tap the "+ in a circle" icon where you want to copy in the page. You can pick before or after each thumbnail, Choose "PASTE COPIED PAGE". This is important, so the buttons will all still function. Hit "Done". You can add as many pages as you need. You can do this for all Pages.
Be careful Deleting pages, so you don't lose the links! Adding "COPIED" Pages keeps the links in tack for all pages you Add.
This is an instant download - no physical product.
Please Contact me with any questions!
For clickable links to work, you MUST have the Read Only tool selected in GoodNotes. (Blue Circle with a Line Going through)
UnDated Digital Planner for PDF annotation apps.
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