78 Fabulous, High-Quality Red Social Media Icons
Perfect for the Boss Lady who runs her own business and wants to personalize her website, blog, portfolio, or social media posts.
78 Social Media Icons Including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Linkedin, Pinterest, Paypal, Shopping Bag, Money Bag, Podcast, Google Plus, Skype, Whatsapp, Cash App, Email, Phone, Shopping Cart, Square, Heart, Website, Tumblr, Vimeo, and Snapchat.
Each Icon Comes In 3 Sizes, All of Which Are Web Ready:
512px, 250 px, & 64px
They can be easily resized in simple platforms like Paint or Canva.
1 Zip File containing the following:
78 High Quality, Hand Designed Social Media Icons
• Icons on transparent background
• Suitable for all image programs
• No Watermarks