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How to Draw the Earth
  • By Christine Hattingh
  • 5 Mins
  • Beginner
  • Drawing Tutorials

How to Draw the Earth

This beginner guide will show you how to draw the earth in 3 easy steps

In today’s three-step drawing guide, we show you how to draw the Earth. Your earth Illustration can be used for projects such as travel and space. Use your drawing as an earth clipart, create Earth Day stickers, or map out your travel destinations.

Draw earth - end result and use example

Before we get started, gather traditional or digital supplies you want to use with this drawing exercise. With our FREE drawing tutorials, you can use mediums like watercolor paint, pastels, Procreate, and Photoshop.

Learn and explore how to draw elements that match your earth drawing, such as drawing an airplane or draw a rocket with stars and an astronaut to create a space clipart set.

Step 1 - Create Sketches of the Earth

For our first step, use a sketching medium to make a rough draft of your earth sketch. You can use a pencil or any light color medium you have on hand and cover your lines with a lining tool.

Let’s start drawing a large circle for the base shape. Try to make your circle perfectly round with a compass, tracing around a circular object, or using the Procreate QuickShape tool.

Sketch the shape of the earth

Once you have the circle, you can begin to sketch the outlines of the continents and oceans. Keep your lines light and simple, focusing on the general shapes of the land masses and bodies of water.

Draw contents and ocean outlines on the earth

Step 2 - Define your Sketches

Once you have a basic sketch of planet earth, you can start to darken your lines to make an earth outline. For your lining medium, use anything, such as a black pen or a permanent marker, to outline the circle, continents, and oceans.

Feel free to add other line art elements to your globe drawing. Add lines for latitude and longitude to create a more realistic representation of the Earth. Write the names of countries, contents, and oceans, or add a compass, timelines, and ocean currents.

Define your earth sketches

Step 3 - Add Color to your Earth Illustration

For our last step, we are going to apply some color. Get a few shades of blue and brown together, or use this earthy boho palette. Start with adding a base color of green to the continents and blue to the oceans.

Color your earth illustration

Add Shading and Texture

Create a more detailed artwork by adding lighter and darker shades to your Earth, such as sections of brown to sections of land where it is dry or large areas of sand like the desert.

Add shading and texture to your earth drawing

Add Elements

You can add elements such as plants, animals, and other features to make your drawing more interesting. For example, you can draw trees, mountains, rivers, and lakes on the continents.

Earth drawing - add elements

Fantastic work on drawing the Earth. Why not add a quote like “Earthy without art is just eh!” for sublimated T-shirts or mugs to celebrate Earth Day? We hope you had a great time following along and learning the steps from sketching to adding color and elements.

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drawing guide how to draw the earth

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