Make an impressive impression to your customers and followers with this modern and clean looking email signature template. Thanks to our online e-mail signature generator, you can easily create your signature without using photoshop. You can add photos to your signature, add hand writing text (or your logo), change font colors, reduce and increase the template size, choose one of three different frame styles, link your social media icons to your page addresses (all links and icons are clickable), add clickable address (also, your address will also be displayed on google map), add clickable phone number and add your signature to many email providers such as,, After purchasing, you will be able to create your own signature by obtaining the link address of our online email signature generator.
IMPORTANT: We tested this clickable email signature via, and and confirmed that it works properly. Unfortunately, email providers are restricting their html code due to their own security protocols. For this reason, it is not possible to add a clickable (html) email signature to every email service provider. This product may not work properly with email providers other than,, and Please contact us before purchasing to avoid uncertainty about this issue.
If you are not a photographer, don't worry, since all the information in this template can be edited and removed. You can get your signature by entering your information in the template.
► Generator Demo Screenshot is here: ◄
► Instant Download ◄
After purchasing you will get the link address for the E-mail Signature Generator and you will start editing your signature immediately.
► What you will get: ◄
- Online signature generator link address to create your e-mail signature without using photoshop.
- .Psd file (you can use it , if you need.)
► You can create your Email Signature in two ways:
1. Online Email Signature Generator
2. Photoshop
If you want to create your email signature by editing the template with Photoshop. You need to know how to use Photoshop and write HTML code.
If you want to create your signature with Email Signature Generator. You don't need to know how to edit HTML codes and use Photoshop.
► Usage with Generator ◄
1. Upload a photo from your computer or select your photo from a website or photo provider and copy the link address like that: Facebook, Dropbox, One drive, Imgur etc... You can browse our help page on this topic:
2. Enter your information in the on the form.
3. Copy the created signature codes and paste them into the signature field of your email provider.
That is all.
► Features of Email Signature Generator: ◄
1. Adding Photos
You can select a photo from your computer and upload it or add your photo uploaded on another website as a link to your signature. For example Facebook, dropbox, onedrive, imgur etc .. You can add the link address of the uploaded photo to the signature generator. You can browse our help page on this topic:
2. Can be added and linkable Social Media Icons
So you will have clickable icons and be able to promote your social media accounts.
3. Changable the template layout (This template has only horizontal layout)
You can change your template horizontally and vertically. So you will get different views.
4. Changable the photo frame style
You can change the frame style of your photo as Round, Square, Corners Round.
5. Clickable Phone Number
If you want, you can add your phone number as text or link. If you add your phone number as "Phone Call Link", your phone number will become searchable by clicking. Sorry, this feature does not work with the Yahoo email provider. Therefore, the link type of your numbers is "Text" by default. You can change it to "Phone Call Link" at any time.
6. Clickable address - Thanks to this feature, your address will be displayed on google maps by clicking. You can turn this feature off by changing the link type to "Text".
7. Changable the Signature Size
8. Changable the Font Color
9. Can be added Banners (not supported in this template.)
Would you like to add a promotion of an organization? With this feature, you can now do this.
10. Can be added a Disclaimer
11. Can be saved as a Project
By saving as a project, you can create several different style templates and use the signature of that template at any time.
► Important Notes ◄
Email Signature Generator does not work with Internet Explorer. You can use it with Chrome (Most Stable), Firefox and Opera browsers.
You can upload photos from your computer so that your photo will be published by servers. However reserves its rights in this regard. Your photo can be deleted if required by Designitfor. If this happens, you can attach your photo from another website to your email signature. You can browse our help page on this topic:
This item is a digital product. It is not a physical product or print.