Woodland story Vol.1 Wolf - with hand drawn wolves illustrations, watercolor textures, backgrounds, shapes and swashes, floral bouquets, frames and wreaths, pre-made cards and landscapes
With this file you will be able to create awesome and unique greeting cards, invitations, logos, posters, wedding designs, scrapbooking design and any type of designs. Watercolor paintings scanned at high resolution and have transparent background.
You can also get unlimited and great designs using them together. I hope you'll enjoy it!
INCLUDED: (PNG files with transparent background, 300 dpi)
- 50 watercolor floral elements
- 5 watercolor wolves
- 5 watercolor wolves with double exposure effect
- 5 watercolor wolves with double exposure effect and snowfall overlay
- 1 wolves creator (PSD file with separate elements)
- 26 moons and moons phases
- 8 watercolor washes
- 31 pine trees and mountains
- 12 round landscapes
- 1 wood slice creator (PSD file with separate elements)
- 12 watercolor backgrounds
- 7 bouquets
- 7 wreaths
- 10 compositions with wolves
- 4 wedding invitation templates (PSD editable files, PNG, JPEG)
- 5 winter pre-made cards (JPEG)
- 18 crests
- 4 floral arrangements
- 10 watercolor splashes
- 10 watercolor shapes
- 2 snowfall overlay
Don`t hesitate to contact me if you have questions.
Thank you!