Portraits of a pretty Caucasian red-haired young woman, in a blue dress, a professional actress, with long hair on a gray background. The model shows different emotions in different poses standing right in front of the camera in the studio.
Universal concept.
The signed Model Permission to publish is attached.
43 Stock Photos by Govorkovby
Instant download set of 43 photos of women’s photo portraits with emotions.
High-resolution photos that can be used for printed paper products, a set of collages on absolutely any topic, web design for websites, articles, publications on social networks, wall drawings, posters for the interiors of cafes and apartments, book covers and much more.
- 43 files in JPEG format
- Size: 6048Х4024 pixels
- High resolution, high quality and styled post-processing
- All images have empty space to put your text or brand name and logo
- No watermark and any text on downloaded images
- Preview images are cropped, downloaded images will be in original full size
- Signed Model Release Permission
You can use them for posts on Instagram and blog, on your website or as wall pictures - some examples are shown in the attached layouts.
Downloadable digital items only, no physical product will be mailed.
Shop more photos of people in different activities and stock photos in my shop https://designbundles.net/govorkovby
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