Single line Alphabet (#373-font): SVG/DXF/EPS
INSTANT DOWNLOAD with digital files
As you can see from the pictures, alphabet elements are single line designs. To create the word /phrase is necessary to select the needed letters and to arrange them manually.
So, the download doesn't include TTF or OTF format to install into the computer and to type from the keyboard.
This alphabet was designed:
- for Cricut machine for Draw or Foil projects;
- laser machines, like Glowforge for score projects;
(Make sure you have all the tools for using it)
= DOWNLOAD INCLUDES ZIP folder with===================================
SVG/DXF files: UPPERCASE LETTERS, Lowercase letters, Numbers and Signs files;
EPS - one file with all elements.
!!! PLEASE, make sure your machine/software can work with one of the above file formats before you purchase.
= PLEASE NOTE ========================================
- Your downloaded files are compressed into a single ZIP file. You will need to UNZIP the files before you’ll be able to access them.
- No watermarks. Backgrounds are not included.