Introducing the Alcohol Ink Megapack Procreate Stamp & Brush Set, including 115 brushes and 60 stamps!
❓Not sure how to use this? Our design lead has created a *detailed* video on how to design in Procreate with this Alcohol ink pack located here:
Look for more alcohol ink packs from us in the future!
These stamps are handmade and created specifically for use with the Procreate app on iPad! These are not suitable for Adobe Photoshop or any other application. The brushes & stamps in this set are created with Apple Pencil pressure in mind — use an Apple Pencil to get the full value out of the brushes in this set. A basic knowledge of Procreate is recommended, but not required. These brushes & stamps are great for creating custom artwork on Procreate, posters, branding items, logo designs, and more!
» Installation:
There are a couple options for importing your new brushset post-purchase & download - you can use a cloud storage setup, like Dropbox or Google Drive, or you can airdrop files directly to your iPad.
• If you have cloud storage, you can open the brushset file in your Dropbox or Google Drive, click “export” or “open in”, and select Procreate. The brushes & stamps should import directly into your brushes library in their own new folder!
• If you have a Mac, and you have macOS 10.11 or higher, you should also be able to airdrop the brushset directly from your desktop to your iPad, and the brushes & stamps should install during this airdrop as well.
» What’s Included:
• An instruction text file
• A downloadable zip file with your .brushset files
Note: you will need to download & extract these on a laptop or desktop machine before you import them onto your iPad
We're excited to see what you make!