"Moin" is northern Germany (coastal region) that basically is a complete conversation: in it's groundform it means "hello", "good morning", "have a nice day" and so on. But also it says "hello, how are you, how is your familiy, is the dog doing well again, will you visit the soccergame next sunday?" Answered with "Jau, Moin!", "I am doing fine, family is well, the dog is better now, but she threw up all night long and we will see each other on sunday!"
People of nothern germany don't use and don't need much words :)
Easy do it yourself process!
Let your imagination go crazy! With this file you can generate or sublimate your own iron-on images and patterns, cards, pictures, wall tattoos, etc..
Can be used for anything to be laminated, ornamented or ironed.
All Rights by Tintenrebell Buntschwarz Design® - Sue Kunkel
Questions and suggestions are welcome! Feel free to write me!