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Spring Text in Photoshop
  • By Design Bundles
  • 7 Mins
  • Photoshop Tutorials

Spring Text in Photoshop

For this tutorial, you will need a “Background” image, some “Flowers” or a “Bouquet” isolated from the background (Outlined), and the font of your choice (we used “Bonkers” Free Font from Fabian Korn).

1 - In Photoshop, open the Image you chose as “Background”.

2 - Bring in the “Flowers” image and Resize and/or Rotate it if needed and hit “Enter” to Commit the changes.

3 - Go to Image > Adjustments > Vibrance… and use a value of +50 and 0 for the “Saturation”.

4 - Duplicate the “Flowers” Layer (Command/Control + J).

5 - Create a “Mask” in the duplicate by clicking on the small button at the bottom of the “Layers Panel”. Then, fill the mask with Black by clicking “Alt/Option +Delete”

6 - Make sure you select the original “Flowers” Layer, then use the “Type Tool” (T), choose your font (we used “Bonkers”) and using “White” as “Fill” color type your text one letter at a time so they are in separate Layers. Position them where you like them to be on top of the flowers.

7 - Select all the “Text” Layers (“Shift” key) and “Group” them together by clicking the small Folder icon at the bottom of the “Layers Panel”.

8 - Lower the “Opacity” of the “Text” Folder so you can see through the letters then, select the “Brush Tool” (B), choose a Medium-Hard brush, make sure that White is the “Foreground” color.

9 - Erase the portions of the Letters where you would want the Flowers cover them. If you want to undo something, change the “Foreground” color to Black and fix it. Do this for every Letter.

10 -Get the “Text” Folder “Opacity” back to 100% and click on top of the “Mask” Thumbnail while holding the “Command/Control” key to make a selection.

11 - Create a “New Color Fill Layer” by clicking on the small Black and White circle at the bottom of the “Layers Panel” and choose “Solid Color”. Use Black as “Fill” color (#000000).

12 - Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Click “Convert to Smart Object! If you get a “Pop up Window” and use a 10 Pixels “Radius”.

13 - If the blurred layer is on top, drag it down so it sits under the “Masked Flowers”. Check the portions where you covered the Letters to check if there are some parts where the Black looks bad. Use the “Brush Tool” (B) with White as “Foreground” color and clean the image. Make sure you are working on the “Mask”. Also, move the “Shadow” a couple of clicks Down and Right.

14 - Change the “Shadow” Layer “Blending Mode” to “Multiply” and the “Opacity” to 50%. Double-click on top of its Thumbnail and apply the following “Layer Styles”:

Drop Shadow:

15 - Double-click on the “Text” Folder Thumbnail and apply the following “Layer Styles”:

Inner Shadow:

Drop Shadow:

16 - Click “Command/Control + Option/Alt + E” (Stamp Visible) to create a flat “Stamp” of your work. Right-click on top of its Thumbnail and choose “Covert to Smart Object”.

17 - Go to Filter > Filter Gallery > Sketch > Stamp and use the following values: “Light/Dark Balance” 35 and “Smoothness” 4. Change the “Blending Mode” to “Soft Light” and the “Opacity” to 35%.

18 - “Duplicate” the “Stamp” Layer (Command/Control + J) and “Delete” the “Stamp” Smart Filter by dragging it to the small “Trashcan” icon at the bottom of the Panel.

19 - Go to Filter > Other > High Pass and use a 10 Pixels “Radius”. Change the “Blending Mode” to “Hard Light” and the “Opacity” to 36%.

20 - Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and use a 10% “Amount”, “Uniform Distribution” and check the “Monochromatic” box.

21 - Create a “New Vibrance Adjustment Layer” on top of everything and make the “Vibrance” value +100.

22 - Check it out.

by @lornacane

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