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Rainbow Cake Text Effect in Photoshop 3D Text
  • By Design Bundles
  • 7 Mins
  • Photoshop Tutorials

Rainbow Cake Text Effect in Photoshop 3D Text

For this tutorial, we are using “Bukhari Script” from Fontbundles.net (https://fontbundles.net/mikrojihad/33277-bukhari-script), some cake textures (there are some web pages that have free images that you can useas textures) and a plate and table background images.

We are going to divide this tutorial in two sections. The first section will cover some of the prepping required to achieve the effect, and the second one will take care of the actual Text Effect. You can still use the skills learned in Part 1 for other non related projects.

First part, making the 3D Text and the Cake and Cream Textures to apply:

1 - Create a New Document in Photoshop. Type text (Bukhari Script) and fill it with a medium gray (#737373). Convert your text to a “Smart Object” by right-clicking on your layer and choosing the option from the menu.

2 – Double-click on your text layer and apply the following “Blending Options”:

Inner Shadow

3 - Copy or Duplicate the text layer 34 times (drag your layer to the “New Layer” button at the bottom of the Panel). Change Name of the top layer to “Shadow” then double-click on it and add the following “Drop Shadow” values to its “Blending Options”.

4 - Duplicate layer “Shadow” put on top and rename “Top”. Then move “Top” -20 pixels by going to the “Properties” Panel and subtracting 20 from the “Y” value.

5 - Select your text (Yum! And copies), and “Top” layers and click on the “Distribute Vertical Centers” button on your top menu.

6 – Reverse the order of your layers from “Shadow” (to bottom) to “Yum! (to top and place it under “Top”). To do this select all those layers and go to Layer > Arrange > Reverse. Group those layers by clicking on the little folder icon at the bottom of the “Layers” Panel and name the group “3D”.

7 - Select your “Top” layer and apply the following “Blending Options”:

Color Overlay: (Color #ffffff)

Now, we will create the Cake and Cream “Patterns” with textures:

8 - Create New Documents in Photoshop or open the images you want to use as textures. The size depends a bit on the portion of image you are going to use. They should be at 72 dpi and use RGB as color mode. Select a portion of the texture you would like to use (remember it should be square or rectangular).

9 - Copy (Command/Control + C) and then create a New Document, then Paste (Command/Control + V) the portion of the image. Or use the “Crop Tool” (C) to select the portion of the image you want to use, just remember to use “Save as” to save the document with another name so you still have the original image in case you need it later.

10 - Cut and fix the edges to make them very similar, so the part where the pattern meets aren’t visible. You can use the “Clone Stamp Tool” (S), or the Eraser, Smudge Tool. You can make a “Layer Mask” and fade the edges using the “Gradient Tool” (G), etc. to make your pattern as specular as possible. Remember to use Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical and Flip Horizontal to make your pattern’s sides specular.

11 - Then Select the entire image (Command/Control + A) and go to Edit > Define Pattern and give the pattern a name.

Repeat this process for all your cake and cream patterns.

You can use these techniques to make 3d text for other projects (change the text color, etc.) and to make patterns for other projects as well.

We will continue with the Cake Text Effect Tutorial inPart 2.

by @lornacane

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