by @lornacane
1- Open Photoshop.2- Create a new document.3- Select your text tool and type your text. Select the font you would like.4- Select the shape tool and draw a rectangle around your text.This effect is a good way to create icons.5- In the Layers panel, click ...
For this Tutorial, we are an image of the sky with clouds as our Background, and the Free Font Jellee from Alfredo Marco Pradil.1 - In Photoshop, open your background image. Select the “Type Tool” (T) and type your text. Choose a font of your liking (we used Jellee), the ...
1 – In Photoshop create a New Document or Open an existing one.2 – Choose the “Paint Bucket Tool” (G) from your Toolbox and fill your background with black.3 – Choose the “Type Tool” (T) and type your text. We chose the font Zipper from for ours. Make its color Cyan or ...
For this tutorial, we are using “Bukhari Script” from (, some cake textures (there are some web pages that have free images that you can useas textures) and a plate and table background images.We are going to divide this tutorial in two sections. ...
For this tutorial we are using a canvas or paper background and Titin Script from Font Bundles.1 – Create a new “Gradient Layer” under your “Texture” layer. Use a “Transparent to Fill Color” gradient with #d3d1d1 and #918f8f as colors, the Style as Radial and a 250% Scale. Hit ...
For this Tutorial, we are using the image of glass bottles, some images of milk to add to the bottles. Nickainley Free Font from Seniors and Firefly Free Font from seancoadydesign.1 - In Photoshop, open the image you chose.2 - Using the “Type Tool” (T) type your text. This effect ...
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