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Hologram Effect in Photoshop
  • By Design Bundles
  • 10 Mins
  • Photoshop Tutorials

Hologram Effect in Photoshop

Create a hologram effect in Photoshop with this step by step tutorial.

For this tutorial, you will need a “Background” image, and a “Subject” to apply the effect to. You will also need a Light beam “Overlay” or some Brushes to complement the Effect.

1 - In Photoshop, open the Image you chose to apply the effect to.

2 - Use the “Polygonal Lasso Tool” (L) to create a selection around the Subject. Use the “Add to Selection” and “Subtract from Selection” options to refine the selection.

3 - Click the “Select and Mask” button on the Top Menu, check out your selection and refine it if needed, then choose “New Layer” as “Output” and click “OK”.

4 - Open the image you want to use as “Background” and import the outlined image into it. Resize it if needed.

5 - Duplicate the Layer (Command/Control + J) three times. Select the “Background” and create a “Solid Color Fill Layers” by clicking on the small Black and White button at the bottom of the “Layers Panel”. Then, fill it with Black (#000000).

6 - Select the Top-most layer and create a “New Layer” on top of everything. Click “Shift + Delete/Backspace” to fill the Layer and choose “50% Grey” from the “Contents” Tab.

7 - Go to Filter > Filter Gallery > Sketch > Halftone Pattern and choose “Line” as “Pattern Type”, a “Size” of 2 and a “Contrast” of 10.

8 - Go to the “Channels Panel” and make a selection of the “RGB” Channel by clicking on its Thumbnail while holding the “Command/Control” key. Back in the “Layers Panel”, hide the Top-Most Layer by clicking on the Small Eye icon on the left side of its Thumbnail.

9 - Select the third duplicate of your “Subject” (the one that is on top) and create a “Layer Mask” by clicking on the small button at the bottom of the Panel. Name it “Lines”.

10 -Hide the “Subject” Layer and other “Duplicates” and just leave the Top one visible to check the “Lines” on the “Subject”.

11 - Click on the Top Layer “Mask” and drag it on top of the Layer under it while holding the “Alt/Option + Command/Control + B” keys to copy it onto the Layer. Repeat with the other duplicates but not with the original.

12 - Select the first “Subject” Duplicate (the one at the bottom), go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and use a “Distance” value of over 1000 Pixels and a 0° Angle.

13 - Now, select the second “Subject” Duplicate (the one in the middle), go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and use a “Distance” value of about 215 Pixels and a 0° Angle.

14 - Drag the “Subject” Layer on top of its duplicates but under the one with the Lines and click “Shift + Command/Control + U” to convert it to Black and White.

15 - Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and use an 8.0 Pixels “Radius.

16 - ”. Go to File > Save As… (Shift + Command/Control + S) and save it as a “.psd” file (Photoshop). Name it “Displacement.psd” and uncheck the “Layers” box to slim the file down if you want. Now, you can move the Layer down and hide it.

17 - Select the “Lines” Layer (the one with the Mask”) and go to Filter > Distort > Displace… Use a “Horizontal and Vertical Scale” value of 2 and click the “”Stretch to Fit” and “Repeat Edge Pixels” buttons. Select the “Displacement.psd” file and click “Open”.

18 - Select the first “Subject” Duplicate (the one at the bottom) and lower its “Opacity” to 70%. Now, select the second “Subject” Duplicate (the one in the middle) and lower its “Opacity” to 65%.

19 - Select the “Lines” and the other two “Subject” duplicate layers (“Shift” key) and “Group” them together by clicking on the small Folder icon at the bottom of the “Layers Panel”. Change the “Blending Mode” of the Folder to “Screen”.

20 - Click on the small arrow on the left side of the Folder to show its content, select the “Lines” Layer and head to the “Adjustments Panel” to create a “New Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer” on top. Check the “Colorize” box and use the following values approximately: 136, 15, 0. Lower the “Opacity” of the Layer to 86%.

21 - Then, select the “Background” Layer and create a “New Invert Adjustment Layer” in the “Adjustments Panel”. Select the “Mask” Thumbnail and use the “Brush Tool” (B) with a Small-Soft brush (23 px and 0% “Hardness”), make sure that Black is the “Foreground” color and erase the parts that you don’t want to “Invert”. You may need to change the “Hardness” and Size of the brush to get better results.

22 - Bring in the “Light Beam” overlay, Resize it and/or Modify it if needed and hit “Enter” or click on the Check Mark icon on the Top Menu to “Commit Transform”.

23 - Go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation (Command/Control + U) Check the “Colorize” box and use the following values approximately: 218, 17, -60.

24 - Select the “Lines” Layer, head to the “Adjustments Panel” and create a “New Vibrance Adjustment Layer”. Crank up the “Vibrance” value to +80.

25 - Check it out.

The result is unbelievably cool, don't you think?

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