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Jewel Encrusted Heart in Photoshop
  • By Design Bundles
  • 10 Mins
  • Photoshop Tutorials

Jewel Encrusted Heart in Photoshop

For this tutorial, we will need the image/es of some Jewels and some Velvet Texture.

1 - In Photoshop, create a “New Document”, make it 2000 by 2000 Pixels @300 dpi and fill it with a Dark Red (we used #410612).

2 - Create a “New Gradient Adjustment Layer” on top by clicking on the small black and white circle at the bottom of the “Layers Panel” and choose “Gradient…”. Use a “Radial” gradient from a Medium Red (#f6294a) to Transparent, with a 90° Angle and a 150% “Scale”.

3 - Select the “Custom Shape Tool” (U), choose the “Heart” from the default options and make sure that “Shape” is selected and that the “Stroke” color is White and has a 6 px “Weight” with “No Fill”. Click inside your Canvas and input a “Width” of 1500 Pixels, check the “Preserve Proportions” and “From Center” boxes and click “OK”.

4 - Center the Heart to your Canvas using the “Align Horizontal and Vertical Centers” and “Align to Canvas” options in the Top Menu.

5 - Open the document containing the “Velvet” Texture and place it in your “Artwork”. Resize it if needed using “Free Transform” (Command/Control + T). When you are done click the small Checkmark on the Top Menu or hit “Enter” to “Commit Transform”. Change the “Blending Mode” to “Vivid Light” and the “Opacity” to 20%.

6 - Open the document/s containing the “Jewels” and place them in your “Artwork”. Resize them if needed. They should have “No” background. If you have several “Layers”, turn off the ones you are not using by clicking the small eye icon on the left side of their Thumbnail.

7 - Use the “Rectangular Marquee Tool” (M) to select a Gem and the “Move Tool” (V) to place it near the border of the Heart.

8 - You can also use the “Polygonal Lasso Tool” (L) to do the same. Place the Gems creating a Pattern around the Heart shape.

9 - You may need to “Copy” and “Paste” (Command/Control + C and V), and/or “Duplicate” (Command/Control + J) the Gems to finish filling up the entire Heart outline. You may also need to “Rotate” them a bit using “Free Transform” (Command/Control + T).

10 - When you are done, select all the Gem Layers (“Shift” key), right-click on top of its Thumbnail and choose “Merge Layers”. You may need to rename your Layer.

11 - Turn back on the other Jewel Layers and start placing them inside the Heart. Repeat “Step 9” if needed.

12 - Select a Copy of the Gem you are using inside and reduce it using “Free Transform” (Command/Control + T). When you are done click the small Checkmark on the Top Menu or hit “Enter” to “Commit Transform”. You may want to “Merge” the other Layers and rename the one with the reduced Gem. Repeat “Step 9” if needed in order to fill the Heart as much as possible.

13 - Turn off the “Heart” Layer by clicking the small eye icon on the left side of their Thumbnail. Then, double-click on top of the first “Jewels” Layer Thumbnail and apply the following “Layer Styles” (in the bottom Layer):

Drop Shadow:

14 - Now, apply the following “Layer Styles” to the second “Jewels Layer” (the ones in the center Layer):

Drop Shadow:

15 - Finally, apply the following “Layer Styles” to the final “Jewels Layer” (the small ones on top):

Drop Shadow:

16 - Create a “New Layer” on top of everything, select the “Brush Tool” (B), click on the small Gear icon on the Top-Right corner to display a Drop-Down Menu and choose “Assorted Brushes”. Choose “Append” when asked.

17 - Now, select the “Crosshatch 4” Brush with a White Fill and add some Sparks to the Jewels. You can change the Brush Size if you want.

18 - Now, go to the “Adjustments Panel” and create a “New Color Balance Adjustment Layer”. Play around with the values in the “Midtones” and “Highlights” Tabs until you get a nicer tone.

19 - Create a “New Solid Color Adjustment Layer” on top by clicking on the small black and white circle at the bottom of the “Layers Panel”. Use an Acid Green shade (we used #d2c131). Change the “Blending Mode” to “Vivid Light” and the “Opacity” to 10%.

20 - Turn the “Heart” shape Layer back On, make both “Fill” and “Stroke” color “None” and change the “Stroke Weight” to 30 px. Double-click on top of the its Thumbnail and apply the following “Layer Styles”:

Bevel & Emboss: (Gloss Contour: Ring-Double)

Contour: (Contour: Gaussian)

Stroke: (Gradient Fill: Location 0 and #867d3e, Location 24 #fff9b2, Location 33 #42370f, Location 39 #c5b786, Location 49 #fff29b, Location 68 #8e7a37, Location 88 #42370f, Location 100 #dfd48c)

Outer Glow: (Contour: Cone - Inverted)

Drop Shadow:

21 - Double-click on top of the first “Jewels” Layer Thumbnail and add the following “Layer Styles” (in the bottom Layer):

Bevel & Emboss: (Gloss Contour: Ring)

Now, add the following “Layer Styles” to the second “Jewels Layer” (the ones in the center Layer):

Bevel & Emboss: (Gloss Contour: Ring)

And finally, add the following “Layer Styles” to the final “Jewels Layer” (the small ones on top): Bevel & Emboss: (Gloss Contour: Ring)

22- Check it out.

by @lornacane

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