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Adobe Photoshop Short Cuts / Hot Keys

Welcome to the Photoshop Short Cuts and Hot Keys tutorial. Here we display a handy table on how you can cut down time on your design work with these easy to use short cuts.

Move ToolVV
Rectangular Marquee ToolMM
Elliptical Marquee ToolMM
Lasso ToolLL
Polygonal lasso toolLL
Magnetic lasso toolLL
Magic wand toolWW
Quick selection toolWW
Crop toolCC
Slice select toolCC
Eyedropper toolII
Color sampler toolII
Ruler toolII
Note toolII
Count toolII
Spot healing toolJJ
Healing brush toolJJ
Patch toolJJ
Red eye toolJJ
Brush toolBB
Pencil toolBB
Color replacement toolBB
Mixer brush toolBB
Clone stamp toolSS
Pattern stamp toolSS
History brush toolYY
Art history toolYY
Eraser toolEE
Background eraser toolEE
Magic Eraser toolEE
Gradient toolGG
Paint bucket toolGG
Dodge toolOO
Burn toolOO
Sponge toolOO
Pen toolPP
Freeform pen toolPP
Horizontal type toolTT
Vertical type toolTT
Horizontal type mask toolTT
Vertical type mask toolTT
Path selection toolAA
Direct selection toolAA
Rectangle toolUU
Rounded rectangle toolUU
Ellipse toolUU
Polygon toolUU
Line toolUU
Custom shape toolUU
3D object rotate toolKK
3D object roll toolKK
3D object slide toolKK
3D object pan toolKK
3D object scale toolKK
3D camera rotate toolNN
3D camera roll toolNN
3D camera pan toolNN
3D camera walk toolNN
3D camera zoom toolNN
Hand toolHH
Rotate view toolRR
Zoom toolZZ

Adjustment > LevelsCtrl+LCmd+L
Adjustment > CurvesCtrl+MCmd+M
Adjustment > Hue/saturationCtrl+UCmd+U
Adjustment > Color balanceCtrl+BCmd+B
Adjustment > Black and whiteAlt+Shift+Ctrl+BOpt+Shift+Cmd+B
Adjustment > InvertCtrl+ICmd+I
Adjustment > DesaturateShift+Ctrl+UShift+Cmd+U
Auto ToneShift+Ctrl+LShift+Cmd+L
Auto contrastAlt+Shift+Ctrl+LOpt+Shift+Cmd+L
Auto colorShift+Ctrl+BShift+Cmd+B
Image sizeAlt+Ctrl+IOpt+Cmd+I
Canvas sizeAlt+Ctrl+COpt+Cmd+C
Record measurementsShift+Ctrl+MShift+Cmd+M

New > LayerShift+Cnrl+NShift+Cmd+N
New > Layer via copyCtrl+JCmd+J
New > Layer via cutShift+ Ctrl+JShift+Cmd+J
Create/release clipping maskAlt+ Ctrl+GOpt+Cmd+G
Group layersCtrl+GCmd+G
Ungroup layersShift+ Ctrl+GShift+Cmd+G
Arrange > Bring to frontShift+ Ctrl+]Shift+Cmd+]
Arrange > Bring forwardCtrl+]Cmd+]
Arrange > Send backwardCtrl+[Cmd+[
Arrange > Send to backShift+ Ctrl+[Shift+Cmd+[
Merge layersCtrl+ECmd+E
Merge visibleShift+ Ctrl+EShift+Cmd+E

Select allCtrl+ACmd+A
Deselect allCtrl+DCmd+D
ReselectShift+ Ctrl+DShift+Cmd+D
InverseShift+ Ctrl+I     or     Shift+F7Shift+Cmd+I    or      Shift F7
All layersAlt+ Ctrl+AOpt+Cmd+A
Find layersAlt+shift+ Ctrl+FOpt+Shift+Cmd+F
Refine edgesAlt+ Ctrl+ROpt+Cmd+R
Modify > featherShift+F6Shift+F6


Proof colorsCtrl+YCmd+Y
Gamut warningShift+ Ctrl+YShift+ Cmd+Y
Zoom inCtrl++ Ctrl+=Cmd+ + Cmd+=
Zoom outCtrl+-Cmd+-
Fit on screenCtrl+0Cmd+0
100%Ctrl+1   or    Alt+ Ctrl+0Cmd+1     or Opt+ Cmd+0
Show > target pathShift+ Ctrl+HShift+ Cmd+H
Show > gridCtrl+’Cmd+’
Show > guidesCtrl+;Cmd+;
SnapShift+ Ctrl+;Shift+ Cmd+;
Lock guidesAlt+ Ctrl+;Opt+ Cmd+;

Show/Hide Polygons > Within selectionAlt+ Ctrl+XOpt+ Cmd+X
Show/Hide Polygons > Reveal allAlt+shift+ Ctrl+XOpt+shift+Cmd+X
Show/Hide Polygons > RenderAlt+shift+ Ctrl+ROpt+shift+ Cmd+R

Last filterCtrl+FCmd+F
Adaptive wide angleAlt+shift+ Ctrl+AOpt+Shift+ Cmd+A
Camera raw filterShift+ Ctrl+AShift+ Cmd+A
Lens correctionShift+ Ctrl+RShift+ Cmd+ R
LiquefyShift+ Ctrl+XShift+ Cmd+X
Vanishing pointAlt+ Ctrl+VOpt+Cmd+V

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