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Easy Matte Black Photo Effect in Photoshop
  • By Design Bundles
  • 2 Mins
  • Photoshop Tutorials

Easy Matte Black Photo Effect in Photoshop

1 - In Photoshop, open the Image you chose to work with.

2 - Go to the “Adjustments Panel” and create a “New Curves Adjustment Layer”.

3 - Click on the “Black Point” and drag it up to an “Output” of 23.

4 - Click on the “Curve” to add a New Point and make the curve a bit smoother (Input: 57, Output: 51). Tweak the position of the points until you get a “Matte Black” without losing contrast.

5 - Go to the “Adjustments Panel” and create a “New Color Lookup Adjustment Layer”. Check the “Presets” and choose the one that works better with your image. We used “Fuji ETERNA 250D Kodak 2395” as “3DLUT File”.

6 - You can apply the effect to Grayscale images, just make sure that they are in “RGB Mode”.

7 - Go to Image > Mode > RGB Color.

8 - Create the “New Curves Adjustment Layer” and adjust the “Black Point”. For this one we used a different “Preset” as “3DLUT File” when creating the “New Color Lookup Adjustment Layer”.

9 - Your images should look similar to this.

by @lornacane

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