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Enhance Sunsets in Photoshop
  • By Design Bundles
  • 24 Apr 2019
  • 2 Mins
  • Photoshop Tutorials

Enhance Sunsets in Photoshop

For this tutorial, you will need the image or images of sunsets.
1 - In Photoshop, open the Image you chose to work with.

2 - In the “Adjustments Panel” create a “New Gradient Map Adjustment Layer” on top and then, click on top of the “Gradient” to open the “Gradient Editor”.

3 - Make sure “Foreground to Background” is selected and that Black and White are assigned to “Foreground” and “Background” respectively. Double-click on the Black Swatch and change the color to Red (#f60d08).

4 - Then, do the same with the White Swatch and change the color to “Yellow”  (#f8df13).

5 - Change the “Blending Mode” to “Overlay” and the “Opacity” to 20%.

6 - In the “Adjustments Panel” create a “New Curves Adjustment Layer” on top of everything and choose the “Medium Contrast (RGB)” preset. Lower the “Opacity” to 35%.

7 - Then, create a “New Curves Adjustment Layer” on top of everything and input a value of 8 to “Black Point” and a value of 240 to the “White Point”. Lower the “Opacity” to 60%.

8 - Check it out. You may need different values and/or settings depending on the image you are working with.

by @lornacane

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