- By Design Bundles
- 3 Mins
- Photoshop Tutorials
Glow Effect in Photoshop
Begin by opening Photoshop and inserting your photo.
Step 1 - Change to RGB mode
Go to Image and ensure RGB mode is selected and 8bit channel is selected.
Step 2 - Duplicate the background image
Next select the duplicate layer and right click. Select convert to smart object.
Select the blending mode and change to screen.
Step 3 - Create a gaussian blur
Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur.
Change the radius to 10 px. Click OK.
Step 4 - Create an adjustment layer
Create a new adjustment layer and select color balance.
We now need to change the shadows. I use the following settings Cyan -26, Magenta -26, yellow +2 .
Now we need to change the mid tones - Cyan -6, Magenta - 15, yellow +11.
Finally the highlights - Cyan -30, magenta -6, yellow +22. then close the window.
Ensure the adjustment layer is selected and then click Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E. This will merge the layers.
Make sure the new merged layer is selected and change the blending mode to screen.
Step 5 - Create a new layer
With the new layer selected make sure the foreground color is set to white (1) and then select the brush tool (2).
Step 6 - Use a bokeh brush
If you do not have one you can check out the Bokeh Photoshop Brushes by MixPixBox.
Using the brush create a Bokeh effect around your image. Make sure you change the size of the circles when creating your effect.
Finally adjust the opacity of the effect to suit your needs.
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