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How Create a Kawaii Pineapple in Procreate
  • By Nadine Spires
  • 16 Mins
  • Beginner
  • Procreate Tutorials

How Create a Kawaii Pineapple in Procreate

In only 4 steps we will show you how to create a loveable Kawaii Pineapple in Procreate.

How to Draw a Kawaii Pineapple in Procreate

Do you want to learn how to draw a Kawaii Pineapple in Procreate? Then grab your iPad and join us in this fun tutorial. Kawaii characters have the cutest faces that just melt your heart. We are going to guide you through the steps on creating a Kawaii character of your own.

Mockup of Create a Kawaii Pineapple in Procreate

We are using Procreate V5.2.6 in this tutorial. You can use the Technical Pen under the Inking category or these rad Procreate brushes that we are using.

Step 1 - Draw the Kawaii Pineapple Base

We first need to set up the page dimensions, color palette and brush settings.

Create a New Canvas

Let’s get started by creating a new project. We used the following dimensions 1500 x 1500px. You can use any size canvas you want.

Canvas dimensions in Procreate

Create a Color Palette

We created our own color palette for this project. You can use the same HEX codes as we did below if you want. To help you get started we have a helpful tutorial on using color palettes in Procreate.









Create a color palette in Procreate

Edit the Brush Settings

At the top right of the screen, tap on the Brushes Panel. Scroll down to the Inking category and select the Technical Pen brush.

Select brush from Brush Panel

To get a nice smooth line we need to adjust the Stabilization in the Brush Studio.

We set our Stabilization Amount to 50%.

Adjust Brush Stabilization in Procreate

Add a New Layer then use Quickshapes

Tap the Layers Panel icon top right then tap on the “+” icon to add a new layer. Select black from the color palette. You can adjust the Brush Size but we left it set to default.

Draw a circle using the Quickshapes method. Next, we will adjust it using a Warp mesh.

Tap on the Selection tool top left, then select the Warp tool. Now tap on the Advanced Mesh icon.

You can tap + drag any of the nodes to adjust individually. Tapping + dragging anywhere on the mesh will also adjust it.

You can use the image below as a guide. We want a slightly rounded square.Adjust mesh nodes in Procreate

Once done, tap on the Selection menu again to deselect. Fill the pineapple base with the light orange color from the palette.

Fill shape with color in Procreate

Step 2 - Draw the Pineapple Crown

In this step we are going to draw the spiny crown of the pineapple. We will break this into two layers.

Draw First Crown

Go to the Layers Panel and create a new layer.Create a new layer in Procreate

Make sure to select black again. Draw a crown with sharp point triangles and curved sides. Draw the base of the crown just below the top of the pineapple base.

We will be changing the layer order soon. Use our image below if you need a visual guide.Draw crown of pineapple

Choose the lighter green from the palette, then drag and drop it onto the crown.

Draw Second Part of Crown

Create a new layer. Now, draw a second crown with two points in between the points of the first crown.

Fill this with a darker green.Add second crown to pineapple

Rearrange the Layer Orders

We need to move the crown layers beneath the pineapple base. Tap and hold the first crown, then drag it down below the pineapple base. Do the same with the second crown but place this beneath the first crown layer.

You can follow the image below to get a better idea. If you need to know more, have a look at how to use layers in Procreate.Rearrange layers in Procreate

Step 3 - Add Details to the Pineapple Base

Go back to the Layers Panel, then create a new layer above the pineapple base layer. Double tap this layer and select Rename. Change the name to Pineapple Details.

Once again double tap and select Clipping Mask. We are going to use the same brush we used to create the base. Now, select the darkest orange. Next, paint diagonal lines across the pineapple base.

The lines will stay within the base. For now, don’t worry about overlapping on the black outline. How many you add will depend on the size of your base. We added seven lines.

You can use Quickshapes to create straight lines but slightly uneven lines add more character.Create a clipping mask layer

On the same layer, repeat the lines but going in the opposite direction. You will end up with a hatched look.Draw hatch design on pineapple base

We can sort out the overlapping lines by changing the layer’s blend mode. On the Pineapple Details layer you will see a letter on the right side. It should show as “N” for normal. Tap on this to open the blend modes then select Color Burn.

This will lighten the lines a bit but overlapping areas will vanish.Change blend mode in Procreate

Step 4 - Draw the Kawaii Face

The Kawaii face is quite easy to draw.

Draw the Eyes

Create a new layer. Using the same Technical Pen brush and black, draw a circle for the eye. Fill this with black.Draw the first Kawaii eye

Add Highlight Accents

We are going to add two white circle accents to the eye. Draw each one on its own layer so you can adjust size and position independently.

Using white, draw the first circle about a third of the size of the eye. Now, tap on the Selection tool and make sure Uniform is selected. Then, tap and drag the white accent to the top left corner of the eye.

If you are resizing instead of moving the accent, tap + drag just outside of the white accent.Draw eye accent for Kawaii Pineapple

Create a new layer, draw the second accent but much smaller. Now place it on the lower right of the.Add second eye accent

Merge Layers and Duplicate Eye

Once you are happy, merge the layers together. If needed, refer back to the tutorial link at the beginning of the tutorial. Pinch the eye and both accent layers together to merge as one.

Slide the merged layer to the left then tap on Duplicate.Duplicate layer in Procreate

Use the Selection menu with the Uniform option to reposition and align the second eye. Make sure that Snapping is turned on to see the guidelines. Tap on the Snapping icon and make sure the slider shows blue.Duplicate Kawaii eye in Procreate

Draw the Kawaii Mouth

Create a new layer for the mouth. Using Quickshapes, draw a straight line. Then draw a curved line from one end of the straight line to the other. Fill this with black.

Draw Kawaii mouth in Procreate

Double tap the mouth layer and select Alpha Lock. Next, choose the darker pink from the palette. Draw in a tongue element at the bottom of the mouth. You will need to paint in the pink as dropping in the color will fill the entire layer.Paint in tongue element

Add Details to the Kawaii Face

We are just about done. Let’s add some cheek spots and eyelashes. Create a new layer for the cheek spots. Select the lighter pink then draw an oval shape just below the left eye.

Duplicate the cheek spot and move the duplicate to the other side of the Kawaii face.Draw cheek spots for Kawaii Pineapple

If you want to, you can merge the cheek spot layers into one. You can also do this for the eyes.

Create a new layer for the eye lashes. Use black and draw two lines for the left eye as shown in the image below.Add eye lashes to Kawaii Pineapple

Next, duplicate this layer then tap on the Selection tool. Make sure Uniform is selected then tap on Flip Horizontal. Shift the duplicate eyelash over to the right hand side.Use Flip Horizontal in Procreate

The final step is to save your project. You can merge all of the layers into one if you choose. We have an awesome tutorial on making a transparent background in Procreate. This is especially great when saving your design as a PNG.

To save, tap on the wrench tool top left then tap on Share. Choose your format then a location to save to.Save your design in Procreate

Here is our final design.Create a Kawaii Pineapple in Procreate

How cute is our Kawaii Pineapple? You can easily create stickers or sweet cards to share with family and friends. We hope that you enjoyed following this tutorial on how to create a Kawaii Pineapple in Procreate.

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procreate tutorial easy to follow draw a kawaii pineapple

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