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How to Warp Text in Adobe Illustrator
  • By Design Bundles
  • 2 Mins
  • Illustrator Tutorials

How to Warp Text in Adobe Illustrator

1- Open AI and create a new artboard.

2- Select the Text Tool.

3- Type your text and select your font.

4- With your text selected, go to Object > Envelope Distort > Make with Warp.

5-The Warp Options window will appear.

6- First thing to do is enable the preview option. This will let you see what each option does without actually changing the design permanently.

7- In the Style drop-down box, you can select what type of warp you would like. I have selected Arc.

8- The first option is the Bend option, which will affect how much the text will bend.

9- Next is the Horizontal option. You can have the text warp from left to right.

10-The Vertical option will let the text warp from top to bottom.

11- Lastly, the Horizontal/Vertical option at the top under Style will change the whole text to go on its side or across. Once this is selected, you can still adjust the other options, which will create more warp options.

The font used is fromfontbundles.net,and the font is calledLovely.

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